Often the last, but most important thing to arrange before you travel, is travel insurance. If you travel overseas from Australia, OR if you are coming inbound to Australia, it would be unwise not to take out some form of insurance cover.

As soon as you have booked any part of your planned holiday, you should always book insurance next, as you just don’t know what is around the corner.

Not all insurance is the same: look for adequate cancellation cover, repatriation, excesses, lost money, property or documents, so that you are not left high and dry in a strange land. Remember, if you can’t afford travel insurance, you can’t afford to travel!

Due to COVID-19 and travel restrictions imposed by the Australian and other governments, some travel insurance companies have temporarily suspended the sale of new international and domestic travel insurance policies.


Quality travel insurance for Australians with Cover-More Australia. Get free online travel insurance quotes here. Special offer, save 10% when you book an annual or single trip policy yourself on this site.

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With nib, you can choose the plan that you think best suits the kind of holiday you’re taking and the level of cover you need – from basic cover through to comprehensive, multi-trip, domestic and international plans. Special online offer – 30% off RRP when booked here.

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